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  • herlinda4lbcc

On This Labor Day, I am Grateful

As we approach Labor Day to honor the hard-working men and women in our workforce, I reflect with gratitude on all that I have received from the work of labor unions. I am a proud, third generation public servant. My grandfather and father were represented employees at the County of Los Angeles which provided them the opportunity to become homeowners and save for retirement. As a laborer and truck driver represented by SEIU Local 660, my father was able to provide our family with medical insurance and access to quality healthcare, which my mother credits as the deciding factor in winning her battle against breast cancer.

Over the years I have been a vocal advocate for worker protections and have walked picket lines with Unite Here, Teamsters, and California Nurses Association in protest of unsafe working conditions and unfair wages. As a Long Beach Community College District Trustee, I will be a champion for our educators, janitors, public safety, and support staff. During my career in the public sector, I was a dues-paying member of IAM Lodge 1930 and AFSCME local 773 and I understand how important it is to have this leadership. I am committed to working with all LBCC labor unions: Faculty Association, California Teachers Association, International Association of Machinists and Police Officers Association.

I am proud of my roots in public service and I am so honored to receive the endorsement from the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor. So, on this Labor Day, I want to thank our great American workforce, especially our front

line workers, many of them union members, who have sacrificed so much during this health crisis. With a grateful heart - Happy Labor Day!

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